03 – SABCO 7017 Offset Floor

Frameless glass balustrade, floor mounting - inverted offset floor - residential or public application - special slab edge - compact - 3 Kn

  • Performance 3 Kn
  • Rail width : 113mm / height : 98mm Residential or Public application Type of mounting : Offset floor / Inverted offset floor
  • Mounting : Curved / Tailor-made
  • Glass : 12 > 25.52mm
  • Reduced installation time: ONE SIDE or DOUBLE SIDE
  • wedge Standard height: 1100mm (Different on request)
Code produit 0070RAIL17
Epaisseur du verre
Type d\'application
Type d\'installation
Dimensions / Type
* Produits et études sur mesure à la demande
Clear Selection
Accessoires associés

Compose your balustrade according to your project by adding :
A – Wedges: according to the thickness of your glazing.
B – Claddings: according to your installation configuration.
C – Cladding gaskets: depending on the chosen shim system
Don’t forget to complete the kit with our solutions of dowels, spacers, alignment pins… which you will find in the associated accessories.

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