Acquisition of our subsidiary SADEV USA

Jan 18, 2023 | Corporate

SADEV acquires its subsidiary SADEV USA

frederic fievet sadev global

“I’m proud to announce that we have acquired the majority stake of our subsidiary, SADEV USA, based in Iowa.

This acquisition aims to follow our strategy and our will to effectively develop our business in North America through SADEV USA.

Besides the strategic objectives, there is a human story between SADEV USA general manager, Joe Hendrickson, and myself. I would say that Joe has become a true friend after 25 years of working together. Joe and his team share the same values than SADEV FRANCE.

I’m glad to be the new CEO of the group named SADEV GLOBAL. Joe remains the general manager of the Sadev USA and I will ensure the continuity of SADEV’s story through its strategy and development.”

Frédéric FIEVET


joe hendrickson sadev usa

“I am excited to announce that after 15 years in business owning and operating SADEV USA that we have merged with SADEV France to become SADEV GLOBAL.

I have had the honor of getting to know the SADEV team in France for nearly the last 25 years and I look forward to many more. Over the years I have formed a true friendship and brotherhood with the President of SADEV, Frederic Fievet which is very rare in business these days and I feel very fortunate.

Our friendship has been the foundation of our partnership over the years and without that we would not be where we are today. Going forward I will remain a shareholder in the company with the title of General Manager.

Our commitment to service and quality will not change, in fact, it will get even stronger with our combined resources and efforts. I would like to thank our customers for their support for the last 15 years and I look forward to continuing to strengthen these relationships as well as building new ones.”


General Manager , SADEV USA

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