Wall point special configuration

Wall point fixing for special configuration

  • Various applications: signs, desks, door handle, etc.
  • Different models: adjustable or fixed height
  • Wide range of wall point fixing
Product code 01 L3030-M8-0810
Glass tchickness
304 stainless steelStainless steel 316 (option)
Dimensions / Type
* Tailored products and solutions on demand
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Wall point fixings

Discover SADEV’s wide range of stainless steel wall point fixings allowing you many applications. With these products, you’ll be able to mount reception desks, signs, door handles and much more…

You can choose between a countersunk screw (Ø28 et Ø36) or a cylindrical screw (Ø30 et Ø40).

Wall point fixing heights available: from 3 mm to 100 mm.
Suggested glass thickness :between 8 and 12 mm. Ask us for other thicknesses.
Glass bead or brushed finish. Other finish on request.
Please note that these wall point fixings are different from those used for railings.



Wall point fixing for special configuration Wall point fixing for special configuration Wall point fixing for special configuration Wall point fixing for special configuration Wall point fixing for special configuration Wall point fixing for special configuration




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